Set for release on June 22nd, Summerteeth’s sophomore EP – Sweet Nothing – was born out of a renewed sense of optimism. It allowed them to really step back, figure out the kind of band they wanted to be and what they aimed to accomplish in their music. Coming out of recording, it was a no brainer that Stay Warm would be the single. They brainstormed a bunch of different ideas before eventually settling on the appropriate, video treatment. Thanks to the typical Canadian long winter/late spring, the band seized the first nice day they had and packed as much summer into it as possible. ?
The music video was directed by Miguel Barbosa which you can check out below!
We managed to catch up with the band as they talk about their latest single and more!
So how has the release of Stay Warm gone down with fans?
It’s still early, but so far so good! The positive reaction has been great since we’ve been sitting on these songs for a few months now.
The days leading up to the release were a little nervous, but the relief and excitement afterwards have been worth it.
The first comment I got was from an old friend who’s only feedback was “nice haircut”.
Can you tell something about the single no one else knows?
From a songwriting perspective, this was the first new song I wrote that I thought was a definite “keeper”.
Except all I had was a verse and chorus for the longest time, the bridge didn’t get finished until a couple days prior to recording.
How pumped are you for the release of Sweet Nothing?
We’re all pretty pumped since it’s felt like a long time coming! At the same time, those nerves are there because we’re hoping its received well.
The three of us are super happy with the songs we put together and how they came out, so we hope everyone else is too.
What’s your favourite track from the upcoming release?
All of us have different choices, but we’re all excited about “Talk About Anything”. It’s one of the first songs we ever wrote and didn’t put on our last EP.
Will you be touring at all this year?
Yes! Right now we have a run of Ontario dates booked in June with Dear Youth (Montreal).
Then we have some other stuff planned for the late summer/fall but it’s still in the works!
What is your favourite track to play live?
At this moment, I have two. “Born Too Late” which is the first song we play (and the first song on Sweet Nothing) and “Your New Place” which is the last song we play (and the last song on Hope This Helps). Start big. End big.
If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?
My friend Wade plays in a band called Math Club in Hamilton. He’s one of my favourite local songwriters so I’d love to do a song with him one day. We’ve talked about doing a split in the past but nothing has come of it yet… Maybe.
What was the first ever gig you went to?
I actually never went to a single show until my high school band played one when I was 16.
After that, my first “concert” was Warped Tour and the first band I got to see was Motion City Soundtrack. Still one of my faves.
What do you get up to in your spare time when not working on music?
When I’m not working, I’m working on music things usually.
But if that doesn’t count, Adam and I play on a softball team together.
We’re not really sure what Simon is ever doing…